Posted on Friday, June 28, 2019
Since 2011, Michele Raphoon, Coordinator of the Office of Global Engagement, has been working with faculty and students to arrange study-away opportunities around the world through Interim Term and May Away courses.
Now, after completing her master’s degree in international education, she said she is better prepared to help expand Global Engagement components into the curriculum.
“My studies included elements of international education theory, policy and practice, curriculum design, program planning and development, intercultural service, leadership and management, training for experiential learning and education for social justice,” she said. “I am now credentialed to work with our faculty to include some of those things into their courses.”
Raphoon earned her degree from the School for International Training Graduate Institute in Brattleboro, Vermont, which also offers graduate degrees and certificates in climate change and global sustainability, humanitarian assistance, peace and justice leadership, sustainable development, and teaching English to speakers of other languages.
“It was designed so working professionals can get a degree while staying in their jobs,” she said. “Students spent one to three weeks on campus in Vermont each summer and then completed the rest of their coursework online.”
She said she had classmates from around the world.
“We had people from Madagascar, Turkey and France, as well as all over the United States,” she said. “It was very focused and very helpful to hear other perspectives and experiences.”
Dr. Karen Aubrey, Vice President for Academic Affairs, said Raphoon’s advanced degree adds another level of expertise to the college.
“One of LaGrange College’s differentiating programs is Global Engagement, with 78% of our students having studied abroad by the time they graduate,” she said. “This is a phenomenal percentage of students when compared to other institutions.”
Because of the growth of study abroad and international education programs, she said the college is fortunate to have someone with Raphoon’s training.
“Her deeper perspectives on international education and administration of international programs will undoubtedly benefit our students and our Global Engagement initiatives,” she said.
Raphoon said she will be proposing a course called Cultural Competency that she hopes will be approved for 2020.
“The course would help students learn how to communicate and interact with other cultures and understand other ways of thinking and how to respond to those differences,” she said. “They’ll also learn how to be more empathetic to other cultures.”
Those skills will be especially useful for Nursing and Education students, she said.
To learn more about Global Engagement and the Study Away Initiative, contact Raphoon at or by calling 706-880-8429.
Dr. John A. Tures, Professor of Political Science, and his students were cited for their research on hate crimes in the University of Georgia Grady College of Journalism article “Georgia Hate Crimes Legislation Stalls In Senate, Proponents Hope For Passage In 2020”.
Also, Dr. Tures and Political Science graduate Seth Golden ’19 had their research on at-large districts and election rules that discriminate against African-Americans published in The Conversation, a site that melds journalism and academia. It’s also on the site for the Chicago Tribune, Houston Chronicle, San Antonio Express-News and the SF (San Francisco) Gate site.
Cindi Bearden, Associate Professor of Accountancy, was honored this month in Houston, Texas, for her service as chair of the Southeastern Council of the Accreditation Council for Business School and Programs.
Dr. Preston James IV, Assistant Professor of Sports Management and Business Law, recently was featured in Rolling Out magazine, where he talked about impacting the lives of his students.
We are barreling toward the end of our fiscal year on June 30. Please take just a minute and make a gift here or by calling 706-880-8039. Donations made by June 30 will enter anyone giving at least $25 into a drawing for a Panther prize basket and will ensure you a complimentary LC car coaster (while supplies last). Help reach this year’s goal of 1,100 alumni by making a gift before June 30. Any amount helps.
1 – Sarah Bearden
John Cook
2 – Carol Yin
5 – Braxton Ford
6 – Deborah Hall
7 – Janet Craft
9 – Lucinda Person
10 – Kim Barber Knoll
Brian Hunter
16 – Rebekah Lee
24 – Sharon Livingston
Joseph Miller
27 – Jon Ernstberger
28 – Jackie Belcher
Beth McClanahan
29 – April Butler
Panther’s camp a hit – LaGrange Daily News, June 7, 2019
Campers learn from Panthers – LaGrange Daily News, May 23, 2019
First Kelton camp in the books – LaGrange Daily News, June 8, 2019
Local connection for Panthers – LaGrange Daily News, May 27, 2019
Soccer camp going strong – LaGrange Daily News, June 21, 2019
Category: Faculty, Academics, Global engagement
Keywords: Global Engagement sports management accountancy political science